The Laguna Canyon Foundation (LCF) and Orange County Conservation Corps (OCCC), in cooperation with the City of Laguna Beach (City), have taken steps to augment City restoration of the Dewitt property in a way that will improve slope stability in graded or denuded areas (including former staging areas) through the planting of drought-tolerant container plants and otherwise enhance the native plant community in that area. The Project was and is subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City fully complied with CEQA by issuing a Notice of Exemption pursuant to Section of the CEQA Guidelines.
These extraordinary restoration efforts have been funded by a State of California EDRIP (Emergency Drought Response Implementation Plan) applied for by LCF and OCCC. The EDRIP Grant provided $100,000 that was initially used to fund the labor necessary to eradicate non-native invasive species and reduce fire-prone deadwood and thatch. The remaining grant funds were used to purchase the plant material and fund the labor needed to install drought tolerant native vegetation that will significantly improve slope stability as well as the ecological integrity of the habitat. These efforts were facilitated by the City and complement and expand on the City’s restoration of areas impacted by the removal of more than 15,000 cubic yards of hazardous material.