On Wednesday, August 16th, Laguna Canyon Foundation is participating in Protect and Preserve 2023, a giving day for the protection and preservation of Orange County’s open spaces and marine protected areas. We will be joined by 7 other fantastic environmental organizations with the common goal of raising a total of $80,000 in one day.
You can donate at any point throughout the day on August 16th, beginning at midnight and ending at 11:59 p.m. PST! Here at Laguna Canyon Foundation, up to $6,250 of donations will be matched thanks to the generous gifts from our board!
The funds raised on August 16th will support Laguna Canyon Foundation’s mission to preserve, protect, enhance and promote the 22,000-acre South Coast Wilderness. With our restoration and education program seasons just around the corner, our team will be planting native plants, removing invasive species, enhancing our trail systems, and leading programs for elementary students from under-resourced communities throughout Orange County. Your contributions directly translate into healthier ecosystems, better trails, and unforgettable experiences for students.
Please consider donating any amount during the 2023 Protect and Preserve day of giving. Click this link to donate, starting at midnight on August 16th. Together, we can protect the ecosystems that our native flora and fauna depend on to thrive, and preserve the land that we as a community love. Thank you!