Author: LCF Fall 2024 Intern Victoria
Stepping into the world of conservation with Laguna Canyon Foundation wasn’t just an internship – it was a journey that changed the way I see the world. I came in September of 2024 eager to learn about habitat restoration and environmental protection, but I discovered so much more – a deeper understanding of conservation efforts, a renewed appreciation for nature, and a rekindled conviction in the power of community.
Every week brought something new. From advocacy to fuel modification, I had the privilege to experience the many moving parts that keep a non-profit running. This allowed me to learn a little bit of everything and gave me a well-rounded understanding of the organization’s impact.
One of the most surprising lessons I learned was how much work happens behind the scenes to support conservation projects. Before this experience, I had no idea how crucial grant writing, partnership building, and outreach were to make restoration efforts possible. The hours spent in the office directly impact the field, so kudos to those who contribute to the essential administrative work and careful planning behind every thriving project.
LCF’s commitment to inclusivity stood out to me as well. Making their educational programs accessible for Title 1 schools isn’t just teaching kids facts – they’re also planting seeds of hope and responsibility. Watching young students light up as they explored nature and engaged with interactive lessons on adaptation was heartwarming. Their enthusiasm gave me hope for future generations. Many kids even excitedly yelled out that they wanted to be scientists, which filled me with joy and laughter, and reminded me why environmental education matters!
Seeing before-and-after restoration projects brought to life the incredible growth and impact of LCF’s work. We visited one of the project sites where we spotted an endangered Southwest Pond Turtle, proving that conservation efforts make a direct impact on local wildlife! Witnessing the increased biodiversity and thriving ecosystems firsthand was awe-inspiring. As we explored a trail project in the early stages of restoration, it was eye-opening to see how much of a difference LCF could make in just a few years.
Meeting volunteers like Larry, who has spent 10 years dedicating his time to educating the public, was especially inspiring. He reminded me that one person’s passion can spark a movement and LCF’s ability to bring people together around a shared mission left a lasting impression on me.
I also got a unique glimpse into the grant reviewing process, which was surprisingly enjoyable and reminded me of my days grading papers as a T.A. I also liked hand-writing thank-you letters to donors. It’s a small gesture, but so worth it and meaningful to do these acts of kindness whenever we can.
I also learned a lot about leadership and teamwork. I realized how effective fostering open communication and maintaining a 5-to-1 praise-to-criticism ratio can be in boosting morale, which is something that LCF’s leadership practices in their management of other staff members. Their advice on addressing issues early and maintaining a healthy team dynamic is something I’ll carry with me.
Trail work completely changed how I view hiking trails, which I feel many take for granted. I had no idea how labor-intensive trail maintenance is, yet the trails staff’s expertise made it look effortless. Compacting dirt with water (a.k.a. tamping) alongside the team was fun and brought me back to my childhood days of playing in the mud – only this time, I knew our efforts were directly helping others connect with nature. Making sure to sprinkle “flour” (dry, clean soil) on top of the wet mixture so that the dirt doesn’t stick to the McLeod tool was also a fun tip I learned. I recommend volunteering for trail work for those looking to relieve some stress!
LCF’s fire safety and extensive fuel modification programs emphasized the critical work required in high-fire-risk areas like Laguna Beach. With fire season now year-round, maintaining fuel modification zones is more essential than ever. These efforts not only protect communities and ecosystems but also set a high standard for conservation practices. While exploring fuel mod zones, I learned surprising details about plants and the value of using their Latin names (which help with confusion of common names through language, region, or preference) – a reminder of how much there’s still to discover.
As my internship ended in November, I found myself reflecting on how much I had grown. This experience didn’t just teach me new skills – it reaffirmed why conservation is so important and how powerful it is when people come together to protect the natural world. LCF isn’t just restoring trails and habitats, they’re inspiring others to care and sparking curiosity. I enjoyed working with passionate, dedicated people who also prioritized taking breaks, a practice often overlooked but so essential in professional and personal life. I’m incredibly grateful to the Schlinger Foundation for making this opportunity possible, and I hope others have the chance to experience this too.