Save on Taxes and Support LCF

Are you taking advantage of the Charitable IRA Rollover? This is a wonderful opportunity to provide a significant gift to Laguna Canyon Foundation and #ProtectWhatYouLove while avoiding taxation on IRA distributions. Support vital habitat restoration, trail maintenance and improvements, and outdoor education for Title 1 students, all while saving money. Sound too good to be true? It’s not! Here’s how it works:


  • Donors must be 70.5 years old or older
  • Funds must be transferred directly from your financial institution to Laguna Canyon Foundation (may not be transferred to donor advised funds)
  • Transfers must be from a traditional or Roth IRA
  • You can donate any amount up to $100,000 per person (couples with separate IRAs may donate up to $200,000)


This charitable rollover does count towards your IRA’s annual required minimum distribution (RMD). It’s a great opportunity to make an additional tax-free gift this year, even if you’ve maximized your annual charitable deduction.

Want to learn more? Find out details here. Interested in supporting Laguna Canyon Foundation directly from your IRA, avoiding income taxes on the gift? Tell your financial advisor or IRA administrator that you’d like to make a Charitable IRA Rollover to Laguna Canyon Foundation, or call us at (949)497-8324.


Thank you for your ongoing support!