Category: Education
We’re Hiring! – Field Educator (CLOSED)
Founded in 1990, Laguna Canyon Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the South Coast Wilderness, a…
Esfuerzo – We Did It
Thanks to the dedicated teachers at Lowell Elementary – Ms. Fernandez, Ms. Sierra, Ms. Valle, Ms. Perez, Ms. Martinez, among…
Take a Closer Look
As if Aliso and Wood Canyons Wilderness Park didn’t already have enough to offer: beautiful vistas, diverse trails rich with…
Silence is Not an Option
In these times of such great upheaval, I’ve been thinking deeply about responsibility. Not just personal responsibility—the role each of…
Wintertime Fun in the Canyon: Listen, Observe, Explore
The winter months in Laguna Canyon are rich with opportunities to explore the wilderness, make observations and take in the…
Let’s Explore! Q&A with LCF Field Instructors
It’s been an exciting school year out on the trails! As of today, Laguna Canyon Foundation’s education team has hosted…
Gettin’ the Job Done!
Last week, a busload of 65 fourth graders, four teachers and two chaperones arrived from a Santa Ana elementary school…
“Keep Calm and Love Animals” – Lessons from the Field
Nothing like planning for the upcoming school year to reflect on hard-earned accomplishments while pondering what’s ahead. Wait, what…but it’s…
Sharing My Passion Through Outdoor Education
This week, we’re proud to present a guest blog from field educator Chrisha Favors. Thanks for sharing your experience, Chrisha!…
A Unique Learning Experience
On a recent education hike at James Dilley Preserve, Marco, a 5th grade student, impressed one of our Field Educators…
Betty Boop’s Story
While most of Laguna Canyon Foundation’s education programs are held amidst the beautiful coastal sage scrub landscape in the canyon,…
Teaching How to Protect What We Love
While participating in Laguna Canyon Foundation’s education program last week, a third grade class, hiking along the Lake Trail in…